Spot Dog Walkers

Dog Friendly Patios in Edmonton

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Frequently Asked Questions

Was Alberta the first province to allow dog-friendly patios?
It's true that Alberta was the first province in Canada to officially allow dog-friendly patios in 2012. Since that time, Alberta has helped to spark a nationwide trend, with other provinces such as Ontario and Nova Scotia following suit with their own legislation, allowing pup-friendly patios.
How did pup owners bring their dogs to patios before the 2012 legislation change?
Before 2012, there wasn't an easy way for dog owners to bring their pups to patios. Typically, dogs had to be hitched to fence posts along the perimeter of the restaurant patio, which often meant laying down on sidewalk areas. This was mainly due to the Alberta Health Services' concerns about health risks, safey, and restaurant presentation.
Which restaurant was the first in Alberta to become pup friendly?
The first restaurant in Alberta, and Canada, to become dog-friendly was Ranchman's Cookhouse & Grill — an eatery not far from Edmonton, located in Calgary, Alberta. In 2012, co-owner, Harris Dvorkin, successfully worked alongside Alberta Health Services to become Canada's first dog-friendly patio. To pass the novel regulations, Dvorkin resealted the restaurant patio with more sanitary sealant, added a dog walk area, installed dog posts, and rebuilt the restaurant's deck to have a dog-only section.
Is the restaurant information on this page accurate?
We've tried our best to gather accurate information about these restaurants, though it may not be perfect and restaurant policies constantly change. For that reason, it's highly recommended to call ahead and ensure your preferred restaurants are still dog-friendly.
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